Global Properties

Apartments and flats for sale in Argentina

35917 properties
How to buy an apartment in Argentina as a foreigner on Global Properties?

The Global Properties aggregator offers you direct access to a comprehensive database of 35917 flats for sale in Argentina. Our catalogue is updated regularly with all the latest listings from leading developers and licensed real estate agencies.

Explore a wide range of housing options in the most sought-after regions of the country. Each listing on our website includes detailed information such as descriptions, layouts, costs and photographs. Review offers and connect directly with sellers with just one click, without intermediaries!

How much do apartments in Argentina cost?

The average cost of apartments in Argentina is approximately USD 50,000, though prices can vary based on the region, year of construction and specific property features.

Here are the average prices based on the number of bedrooms:

  • 1 bedroom: USD 30,000
  • 2 bedrooms: USD 50,000
  • 3 bedrooms: USD 60,000
  • 4 bedrooms: USD 70,000

The average price per square metre is around USD 1,500. For exact pricing on specific properties, refer to our catalogue or contact a broker on our website.

What size are flats in Argentina?

The typical apartment for sale in Argentina ranges from 60 to 90 square metres. The market offers a wide range of properties in various sizes:

  • compact studios of 31 m²;
  • 2–3-bedroom apartments of 150 m²;
  • luxurious penthouses up to 610 m².
How do I get residency when buying property in Argentina?

Unlike in some other countries, purchasing property in Argentina does not automatically qualify you for a residence permit. There are no special investment programmes that provide immediate residency upon buying a home. However, owning property can contribute to your application by demonstrating financial stability, a mandatory requirement for obtaining a residence permit.

Apartments in Argentina

One of the main features of buying a property on the local real estate market is its affordability compared to other countries in Latin America and Europe. Despite economic fluctuations, apartment prices in Argentina remain attractive to foreign investors.

The average cost per square metre in large cities such as Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Mendoza ranges from USD 2,100 to USD 2,500, depending on the area and class of housing. This is significantly lower than in European capitals or neighbouring countries in the region. Additionally, the market offers a wide selection of properties at various price points, from modest studios to luxury penthouses.

The attractiveness of local residential units is further enhanced by liberal legislation regarding the purchase of housing by non-residents. Buying an apartment in Argentina is considered a profitable investment, with the potential for subsequent income from rental or resale.

In addition to financial advantages, the country boasts a relatively high level of security for Latin America, a developed infrastructure and a generally high quality of life. This combination of economic benefits and a comfortable buying environment makes Argentina a tempting destination for residential property investment.

There is a diverse selection of property options available, from apartments in historic buildings in Buenos Aires to modern units in resort towns such as Mar del Plata and San Carlos de Bariloche. This diversity allows investors to find properties that suit their preferences and budget.

For foreigners looking to buy a flat in Argentina, it's important to understand the local culture. Argentines are enthusiastic people, whether it comes to politics, football or barbecuing. This passion is often evident in busy public spaces, such as parks and squares, where people gather to socialise and relax.

Family is also of great importance in the country. Family gatherings are a significant part of national traditions, with many homes featuring a special room, the “sala de estar,” intended for receiving guests.

Furthermore, Argentines are famous for their appreciation of good food and wine. The cuisine is hearty and often meat-based, creating a unique culinary scene that is appreciated by many foreigners.

Adapting to the local lifestyle and participating in traditional events and celebrations helps immigrants better integrate and experience the authentic Argentine spirit that reigns everywhere – from bustling city neighbourhoods to rural provinces.

Reasons for investing in an apartment in Argentina

Purchasing an apartment in Argentina is relatively straightforward. You only need to obtain a national identification number (CDI), which can be acquired with a temporary visa. Real estate transactions are conducted through a notary, ensuring the legal purity and security of the transactions.

With the growing influx of tourists and the constant demand for rental housing, buying apartments in Argentina for investment purposes can provide a stable income. This is particularly true in resort areas and large cities. Rental yields in Buenos Aires fluctuate around 3–4% per year.

Apartments and houses in Argentina also have the potential to appreciate over the long term, especially in regions with developing infrastructure and popular attractions.

Buenos Aires remains a key market for investors, with strong demand in areas such as Palermo, Recoleta, San Telmo and Puerto Madero. These locations attract young professionals, expats and cultural tourists.

Buying an apartment in Argentina

Start your journey in the world of foreign real estate with Global Properties! Our site features both secondary and primary market properties located in the most sought-after locations in the country. You can find compact studios, classic apartments, penthouses, duplexes and much more.