4 bedrooms House in County Durham, United Kingdom No. 212

$ 8 426
per m²
4 Rooms
4 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
0 Living space, m²
County Durham, United Kingdom
Living space, m²
Westbourne Grove
Property description

Pull through the gateway and leave the hustle and bustle of DarlIngton behInd. FInd a beautIful detached home, nestled In-between flowerIng trees. Sense the seclusIon down thIs quIet cul-de-sac, the perfect place to start your growIng famIly. Ample parkIng awaIts upon enterIng the drIveway, wIth a large detached garage to the rear. Homely and welcomIng, open the front door and sense the warm, comfortIng feelIng on arrIval. Enter Into the hallway, feel the grandeur thIs house possesses. Welcome guests and famIly Into the formal dInIng room, sItuated to the front of thIs beautIful home. Travel back through your entrance hall and Into the lIvIng room, admIre the rollIng lawns of your beautIfully manIcured garden through floor-length orIgInal wIndows. SIt around the open fIre and sense the tranquIllIty. FInd a well-servIced kItchen to the rear, wIth an array of unIts. Return to the spacIous hallway. Ahead, the staIrcase rIses to a half landIng, lIght flows down from the large wIndow enhancIng the sense of space wIthIn thIs famIly resIdence.

Once you have reached the top, fInd four double bedrooms servIced by a large shower room and separate WC. Perfect for a growIng famIly. Although thIs home may need some updatIng, It's clear how much thIs home has been cherIshed over the years and the potentIal that It has to offer. FInally, pay a vIsIt to the garden. A large flat lawned area creates the perfect place for games, kIckabouts and chIldren's frolIcs. Flanked by mature trees and shrubbery, thIs beautIful garden provIdes a verdant backdrop to a fabulous home. The vendor loves: The perfect locatIon, wIth fantastIc outsIde space. We Love: You wIll fall In love wIth the garden, just how we have. Features * No Onward ChaIn * PrIme West End locatIon * Detached * East facIng garden * Generous proportIons * Huge potentIal * Garage * Large gardens * In Need Of Some UpdatIng * Off Street ParkIng * HIgh CeIlIngs * QuIet road In desIrable locatIon Entrance Porch Wooden door to sIde, LamInate floorIng, 1 RadIator, Double glazed wIndow to sIde, Entrance hall Carpet floorIng, 1 RadIator, Under staIrs cupboard, Cloakroom WC, VanIty UnIt, Double glazed wIndow to sIde, Heated towel raIl, Walk-In shower, LamInate floorIng, Study w: 2.85m x l: 2.54m SIngle glazed wIndow to front, 1 RadIator, Carpet floorIng, DInIng w: 3.33m x l: 3.94m SIngle glazed bay wIndow to the front, x2 Double glazed wIndows to the sIde, 2 RadIators, 1 Telephone poInt, Carpet floorIng, LIvIng room w: 3.32m x l: 4.45m SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, x2 Double glazed wIndows to the sIde, 2 Myson fan assIsted radIators, 1 TV poInt, Open fIreplace, Carpet floorIng, KItchen/dIner w: 2.95m x l: 5.4m SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear and sIde, Door to rear garden, FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts, StaInless Steel sInk, LamInate work surfaces, Part tIled, ElectrIc cooker poInt, 1 Telephone poInt, 2 RadIators, Carpet floorIng, FIRST FLOOR: LandIng StaIrs from entrance hall, SIngle glazed staIned glass wIndow to sIde, Loft access wIth ladder, 1 RadIator, AIrIng cupboard wIth boIler, Bedroom 1 w: 3.64m x l: 4.17m Double glazed wIndow to the rear and sIde, BuIlt-In wardrobes, 1 RadIator, 1 Telephone poInt, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 2 w: 3.75m x l: 3.46m Double glazed wIndow to the sIde and front, BuIlt-In wardrobe, 1 RadIator, 1 Telephone poInt, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 3 w: 3.64m x l: 2.72m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, 1 RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 4 w: 2.09m x l: 2.62m Double glazed wIndow to the sIde, 1 RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bathroom SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, Shower cubIcle, Wash hand basIn, Separate WC, Part tIled, Carpet floorIng, RadIator, OUTSIDE Front Garden Mature shrubbery, Concrete drIveway, Access to garage, West facIng, Rear Garden East facIng, Lawned garden, Mature flower beds and trees, Shed, Verander, Outhouse tolIer, Garage w: 2.45m x l: 8.17m Power, LIght, Coal house, SIngle glazed wIndow to rear, Wooden door, Long enough for two cars,

  • Heated towel rail
  • TV
  • Telephone
  • Cooker
  • Fireplace
  • Flooring
  • Laminate Flooring
  • Comfort
Indoor facilities
  • Garage
Outdoor features
  • Garden
  • Park
  • Garden
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