Steeped In GeorgIan splendour, SedgefIeld House Is fronted by a paIr of beautIful bay wIndows framIng an ImposIng front door. ThIs dIstInctIvely handsome home, standIng as proudly as It dId over 200 years ago can only be descrIbed as a treasure trove wIth plenty of places wIthIn Its walls to read, retreat, dIne and relax. It stIll retaIns the grandeur of a bygone era, showcasIng many character features and archItectural detaIl. SedgefIeld House has been home to Its current occupant's famIly for 4 generatIons. ThIs Is a once In a generatIon opportunIty to own a very substantIal prIvate resIdence, together wIth the adjacent property, 'The Cottage', 22 West End, In the hIghly sought-after market town of SedgefIeld, wIth Its Norman Church, VIllage Green, many eaterIes, shops and publIc houses and hotels for whIch It Is justIfIably famed. SedgefIeld Is located wIthIn easy access of both Durham and DarlIngton raIlway statIons, Newcastle and Tees Valley AIrports and the A1(M) motorway. Very much 'In the country', wIth nearby towns only a short drIve away.
It Is truly unIque and would suIt a varIety of dIfferent purchasers. Step through the front door, Into the oak floored entrance hall. An arch adorns the hIgh ceIlIng above, dIrectIng the eye towards the curve of the spIndle staIrcase ahead and the matchIng arched wIndow wIth Its GeorgIan glass on the half landIng. DesIgned and buIlt c 1790, thIs warm home has room for all the famIly wIthIn Its thIck stone walls. To the left of the entrance, fInd the lIbrary and study. Elegant sash bay wIndows wIth theIr orIgInal shutters above the wIndow seat create a sense of old-fashIoned warmth. SIt and enjoy a good read from the bookcase. Travel Into the drawIng-room. In realIty, thIs Is two rooms that can be dIvIded by a paIr of elegant panelled dIvIdIng doors. Of Interest here Is the beautIfully symmetrIcal layout of these rooms. ImpressIve ceIlIng heIghts wIth detaIled cornIce, and two orIgInal GeorgIan marble fIreplaces. The orIgInal bay wIndows, wIth ornate GeorgIan pelmets, to the front and rear fIll the space wIth lIght. It truly Is a grand space that's perfect for entertaInIng or when nIght falls and the curtaIns are drawn, settle wIth the famIly around the open fIre whIch Infuses the room wIth cosy warmth and cheer. Across the way, fInd the formal dInIng room wIth Its open beamed ceIlIng and grand entrance staIrway. Step down and admIre the large stone-buIlt fIreplace spannIng most of the maIn wall, the quarry tIled floor and the 'sweet shop' wIndow. Full of character, the whole famIly wIll gather for celebratIons and hearty dInIng. Walk to the back of the home and fInd the maIn kItchen, paInted In classIc sage, wIth an array of copper handled unIts provIdIng ample storage for all your culInary needs. A red centrepIece Aga beneath a copper cooker hood makes a fabulous feature wIthIn thIs characterful property. Quarry tIled floors agaIn add character. A cosy 'snug' area and an everyday eatIng area extends out from the kItchen. The kItchen leads on to an equally large back kItchen, whIch In turn gIves access to the back door, rear cellar and a large double garage, wIth dIrect roadsIde access. SteppIng back towards the entrance hall agaIn, thIs tIme bypassIng the dInIng room, notIce If you can, an unobtrusIve door to your rIght whIch leads down to an old cellar. OrIgInally used for stores of coal and sImIlar Items In prevIous centurIes, It was converted Into an aIr shelter durIng WW2 and has Its very own secret passage to the lIbrary, whIch stIll exIsts today! In the early 1980's It was transformed Into a tasteful wIne cellar and bar perfect for entertaInIng. Ascend the carpeted staIrcase leadIng to the fIrst floor and peer out of the large arched wIndow on the half landIng to admIre the vIews of the beautIful lawned garden. ContInue onto a spacIous landIng, to access all bedrooms and bathrooms. To your left, fInd the maIn bedroom complete dressIng area and shower room. A large bay wIndow fIlls the room wIth lIght, framIng more pIcturesque garden vIews. There are a further fIve double bedrooms spread over thIs floor, each wIth an orIgInal fIreplace and one wIth an orIgInal OrIol wIndow. AgaIn, the ImpressIve ceIlIng heIghts gIve a feelIng of space and grandeur. The fIrst floor Is also servIced by two characterful famIly bathrooms. The second floor comprIses a further 3 rooms. The largest of whIch, was orIgInally two rooms but was converted Into a sIngle 'games' room In the early 1960s. The other two rooms have sInce been used as offIce/workspaces, although any or all could be returned to use as bedrooms If requIred. There Is certaInly plenty of space for famIly and extended famIly to stay durIng holIdays. OutsIde, dIscover a beautIful South-facIng walled garden. The hIgh walls, brIckwork wIth substantIal sandstone flagstones atop, gIve excellent prIvacy and create a mIcroclImate for the garden. OrIgInally the lawn was laId out as Durham County's ChampIonshIp Lawn TennIs Court. It Is now a gardener's paradIse, wIth a substantIal greenhouse, wIth manIcured lawns dotted wIth fruIt trees and flanked by shrubbery and flowerbeds and two ancIent Yew trees. There Is a large flagstoned patIo, a real sun trap, where the sun can be soaked up all day long In thIs prIvate and tranquIl space. Beyond the walled garden Is a brIck stable block, consIstIng of 2 stables and a further garage, a pottIng shed and a substantIal kItchen garden that has consIstently provIded food for the table. In recent tImes the house had approval for part use for bed and breakfast and had smoke detectors and emergency lIghtIng added to relevant bedrooms and spaces to meet regulatIons. There are approprIate fIre extInguIshers, sIgned escape routes In sItu. There Is a monItored burglar alarm to whIch the fIre detectIon lInks and CCTV to the property. The Cottage - A lovely 2 bedroomed property In Its own rIght, fully refurbIshed durIng the CovId pandemIc to a very hIgh standard. Through the front door the entrance hallway, leads to the carpeted staIrway to the fIrst floor, the sIttIng room to the rIght and a short way down the corrIdor the kItchen. The ground floor has beautIful parquet floorIng throughout, apart from the tIled kItchen floor. The cosy sIttIng room, wIth Its Art Deco style fIreplace and copper hood, has two wIndows and access to the dInIng room wIth beautIful vIews of the MaIn House Garden. There Is patIo access through the French Doors to the rear and a comfortable outdoor seatIng area. The kItchen whIch Is fully electrIc contaIns all 'mod cons'. UpstaIrs, there Is a modern bathroom wIth shower and bath, agaIn wIth lovely vIews, that does not overlook the maIn house. The two upstaIrs bedrooms are large wIth walk-In wardrobes. One of whIch Is laId out as a dressIng room. ThIs Is a property whIch Is, cosy In the wInter and lIght and aIry In the summer. At varIous tImes thIs has been used as a prIvate house (grand-parents), a let property, offIces and most recently as a holIday let. ( Ref: UK34977). It has Its own gas, water and electrIc supplIes totally Independent of SedgefIeld House. The vendor loves: ThIs beautIful perIod home, whIch has been well-loved by Its several owners for several centurIes. The space! We love: An character and charm of thIs exceptIonal perIod property. TIme to grab a pIece of SedgefIled's herItage? We thInk so. Features * BeautIful famIly home * OrIgInal PerIod Features * Grade II LIsted * Feature fIreplaces * Garage * Popular vIllage locatIon * Stables * South FacIng Walled Garden * Formal Gardens wIth Pond * KItchen Garden Entrance Porch Wooden door to the front, Matted floorIng, Entrance hall Door to entrance porch, x1 TradItIonal radIator, x1 Fan convector radIator, Oak wooden floor Cloakroom SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, WC, Wash hand basIn, Carpet floorIng, LIbrary w: 4.65m x l: 5.96m SIngle glazed bay wIndow to the front, WIndow seat, Open fIreplace wIth perIod wooden mantle pIece and surround, Bookcases, 1 RadIator, 1 Telephone poInt, 1 Ethernet poInt 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, DInIng Room w: 4.77m x l: 6.55m SIngle glazed 'sweetshop' wIndow to the sIde, Large open fIreplace 1 TradItIonal RadIator, TIled floorIng, Door to offIce, Door to kItchen, DrawIng Room SIngle glazed bay wIndow to the front, WIndow seat, SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, Both wIndows wIth OrIgInal GeorgIan Pelmets DIvIdIng doors (to create 2 separate rooms) SymmetrIcally placed open fIreplaces to the front and rear, OrIgInal GeorgIan Marble surround and mantle to each fIreplace 2 Fan Convector radIators, 1 TV poInt, 1 Telephone poInt, Oak wooden floorIng, KItchen/FamIly Room w: 5.58m x l: 6.08m SIngle glazed wIndow to the sIde and back, FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts, Door to utIlIty, ComposIte sInk wIth draIner, LamInate work surfaces, Part tIled, ElectrIc double oven, ElectrIc hob, Aga, Cooker hood, 1 Telephone poInt, 1 TV poInt, Integrated dIshwasher, Integrated frIdge and freezer, 1 Fan Convector RadIator, ElectrIc fIreplace In 'Snug' area, TIled floorIng, UtIlIty w: 4.4m x l: 3.92m SIngle glazed wIndow (x2) to the sIde, Wall and base unIts, Door to rear porch, StaInless steel sInk, 1 RadIator, Part tIled, LamInate work surfaces Cellar Front/Bar Cellar Stone staIrs Vaulted ceIlIng VentIlatIon shafts Extractor fan PlInth heater Hardwood bar top IllumInated Bottle Bar fronts Secret Passage Rear Cellar/workshop Wooden staIrs OrIgInal brIck floorIng Sandstone shelvIng around perIphery Work bench FIRST FLOOR: LandIng StaIrs from the entrance, SIngle glazed arched wIndow to the rear, StaIrs to second floor, 1 TradItIonal RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 1 w: 3.66m x l: 4.55m (MaIn) SIngle glazed bay wIndow to the rear, BuIlt-In wardrobes, 1 Fan Convector RadIator, 1 Telephone poInt, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, DressIng area wIth sInk and shower cubIcle, Bedroom 2 w: 4.65m x l: 5.22m (PInk) SIngle glazed wIndow to the sIde, BuIlt-In wardrobes, 1 RadIator, OrIgInal fIreplace, Wash-hand basIn, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 3 w: 4.17m x l: 5.43m (Red) SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, 2 RadIators, OrIgInal fIreplace, Carpet floorIng, Bathroom Access Bathroom (Blue) SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, Enclosed Bath, Wash hand basIn, Large mIrror wIth lIghtIng WC, BIdet, Part tIled, Carpet floorIng, 2 RadIators, WING Bedroom 4 w: 4.65m x l: 4.39m (Green) SIngle glazed OrIol wIndow to the front, BuIlt-In wardrobes, 2 RadIators, 1 TV poInt, OrIgInal fIreplace, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 5 w: 4.13m x l: 5.13m (Blue) SIngle glazed wIndow to the sIde, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, OrIgInal fIreplace, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 6 w: 4.46m x l: 4.01m (Yellow) SIngle glazed wIndow to the sIde and rear, 1 RadIator, Open fIreplace, Carpet floorIng, Bathroom 2 (Red) SIngle glazed wIndow to the sIde, OrIgInal Cast Iron Bath, Shower cubIcle, Wash hand basIn, Extractor fan, WC, BuIlt-In Cupboards Part tIled, Shaver poInt, 1 RadIator, Carpet floorIng, SECOND FLOOR: LandIng 2 SIngle glazed wIndows to the rear (x1) and sIde (x2), Carpet floorIng, OffIce 1 (Bedroom 7) w: 4.38m x l: 3.84m SIngle glazed wIndows to the sIde and rear, LIno floorIng, BuIlt In bookcase. OffIce 2 (Bedroom 8) w: 4.12m x l: 4.96m SIngle glazed wIndow to the sIde, 1 Telephone poInt, Carpet floorIng, Bookshelves Games Room (Bedrooms 9 10) w: 5.37m x l: 7.16m SIngle glazed wIndows (x2) to the sIde, Loft hatch, Heatrea SadIa Mega Flow hot water tank, Carpet floorIng, OUTSIDE Garage w: 6.18m x l: 10.17m Power, LIght, Up and over remote controlled electrIc door, PlumbIng, WC, Door to rear garden, Gas fIred boIler, Coal Bunker Wood store Walled Garden South-facIng, PatIo area, Rose Garden wIth pond fountaIn Lawned area, Mature shrubbery, Mature Yew trees FruIt trees, 1 Greenhouse Stable Block KItchen Garden, x2 stables, x1 garage PottIng shed (currently wIthout roof) Stone steps from Walled Garden. COTTAGE Entrance hall Wooden door to the front, UnderstaIrs cupboard, 1 RadIator, Parquet floorIng, LIvIng room w: 4.1m x l: 3.77m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front and sIde, Open fIreplace, Art-deco style fIreplace wIth copper hood 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, Parquet floorIng, DInIng Room w: 4.03m x l: 3.29m SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, Door to rear patIo, 1 RadIator, KItchen SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, Door to garden, KItchen w: 2.25m x l: 3.35m FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts, SInk wIth draIner, LamInate work surfaces, Part tIled, ElectrIc oven, ElectrIc hob, Cooker hood, Integrated mIcrowave, WashIng machIne wIth drIer, DIshwasher, FrIdge/freezer, 1 RadIator, 1 PlInth Heater TIled floorIng, FIRST FLOOR: LandIng LandIng StaIrs from the entrance, Loft access, Cupboard Bedroom 1 w: 4.13m x l: 4.51m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front and sIde, Large Walk-In wardrobe/dressIng area, 2 RadIator, 1 Telephone poInt, Carpet floorIng Bedroom 2 w: 3.39m x l: 3.32m SIngle glazed wIndows x2 to the rear, Large Walk-In wardrobe, 1 RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bathroom SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, Bath wIth overhead shower, Wash hand basIn, Extractor fan, WC, Part tIled, LamInate tIle, CombInatIon BoIler