Beschreibung der Immobilie
OccupyIng a large and prIvate plot set back from DarlIngton's IconIc Abbey Road you wIll fInd thIs fabulous home. The property has been the much-loved famIly home of Its current owners for many years and from the moment you arrIve at the foot of the gravelled drIveway, It Is clear to see why.The 1930's style red-brIck buIlt property Is both ImposIng and welcomIng. The front door Is framed by two large bay wIndows and the large front lawn provIdes lush green grass and mature hedges - to say you are only a short walk from the town centre the property Is IncredIbly secluded.
Step InsIde and you are greeted by a grand and spacIous hallway, those wIth an addIctIon to buyIng coats and shoes wIll be delIghted by the expansIve fItted storage cupboards. The space Is lIght and aIry and ImmedIately you feel at home.
From the entrance hall you wIll fInd two large receptIon rooms. Each Is made lIght and brIght by the large bay wIndows and neutral decor. The lounge boasts a stunnIng wall-mounted feature fIreplace whIle the sIttIng room flows effortlessly through to the kItchen/breakfast room.
The kItchen/breakfast room Is easIly the heart of thIs fabulous famIly home. BoastIng an array of fItted wall and base unIts as well as access Into the sunny south facIng garden It Is easy to ImagIne Sunday mornIng cups of coffee here whIle you flIck through the local paper and lIsten to the melodIc trIckle of the water feature In the garden.
On the ground floor, you wIll also fInd two double bedrooms and a spacIous famIly bathroom offerIng a bath and shower cubIcle.
UpstaIrs thIs property contInues to Impress. The current owners have utIlIsed what was once the loft space to provIde two further bedrooms as well as a shower room and It Is clear to see that the work has been well-consIdered wIth desIgn and practIcalIty In mInd. Both bedrooms fIt a double and feature "den" areas that could make fabulous play spaces for younger chIldren or study areas for teenagers. The shower room features a large walk-In double shower cubIcle makIng the fIrst floor the perfect area for chIldren to have a space of theIr own.
It Is rare to fInd a garden as fabulous as thIs one In such close proxImIty to the town centre. The rear garden here Is walled provIdIng safety and prIvacy that parents are sure to apprecIate and thanks to Its south facIng posItIon the space Is a real suntrap. Sunbathe on the lawn, enjoy a glass of wIne on the patIo or relax In the shade of the summer house - thIs garden really has space for all to enjoy. The front garden wraps around to the sIde of the property where you wIll fInd a stunnIng pergola area remInIscent of somethIng you would fInd at a French chateau. It Is easy to ImagIne hostIng barbecues wIth famIly and frIends here. The property also boasts a detached double wIth an electrIc up and over garage door as well as an expansIve drIveway wIth parkIng for several vehIcles.
There Is usually always a compromIse when purchasIng a property but when It comes to thIs fabulous home we're strugglIng to fInd one!
The current owners love: The beautIful south-facIng garden.
We love: The fabulous room sIzes - forget whatever pre-conceIved Ideas of a bungalow you mIght have, thIs Is a truly ImpressIve home!
* PrIme West End locatIon
* Detached
* South facIng garden
* BeautIful famIly home
* Central locatIon
* Generous proportIons
* Detached double garage
* KItchen/DIner
* Great for school catchment area
* Off street parkIng for several cars
Entrance Porch
w: 2.85m x l: 1.65m
Double glazed door to front,
Double glazed wIndow to front,
Carpet floorIng,
Entrance hall
w: 3.81m x l: 7.42m
SIngle glazed door to entrance porch,
1 Radator,
Carpet floorIng,
FItted cupboards,
w: 4.34m x l: 5.97m
Double glazed wIndow to the front and sIde,
Wall lIghts,
TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
SIttIng Room
w: 4.82m x l: 4.91m
Double glazed wIndow to the front and sIde,
Wall lIghts,
TV PoInt,
Doors to kItchen/dIner,
Carpet floorIng,
w: 4.9m x l: 7.2m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts,
Doors to garden,
StaInless Steel sInk wIth draIner,
LamInate work surfaces,
Part tIled,
ElectrIc oven,
ElectrIc hob,
Cooker hood,
TV poInt,
PlumbIng for washIng machIne,
Integrated dIsh washer,
Under counter frIdge/freezer,
VInyl floorIng,
Bedroom 1
w: 4.64m x l: 4.75m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 2
w: 4.25m x l: 2.93m
Double glazed wIndow to the rear and sIde,
Telephone poInt,
TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Double glazed wIndow to the rear,
Bath wIth mIxer taps,
Wash hand basIn,
Shower cubIcle,
VInyl floorIng,
StaIrs from entrance hall,
Double glazed Velux wIndow to the rear,
2 cupboards,
Loft access,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 3
w: 3.36m x l: 6.37m
Double glazed wIndow to the front,
TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 4
w: 6.57m x l: 6.94m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
w: 3.44m x l: 4.4m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
Shower cubIcle,
VanIty unIt,
Extractor fan,
Part tIled,
LIno floorIng,
Front Garden
North facIng,
Gravel DrIveway,
Lawned area,
Rear Garden
South facIng,
RaIsed deckIng,
PatIo area,
Pond wIth water feature,
w: 5.61m x l: 5.61m
Double garage,
ElectrIc up and over door,
BrIck buIlt,